04 April, 2005

Great Technology

The Macintosh: I remember teaching my dad how to use a PC. If it's blue then it appears in bold. If it's green then it appears underlined. And then I saw a Mac. Bold was bold. Underlined was underlined. And that was how it appeared on the paper. And you could call your files "Letter to the Bank" instead of "Bank.xyz".

The Amiga: It feels like we have only just caught up to what the Amiga could do years and years ago.

Smalltalk: Still the most elegant and readable programming language with the best IDE.

Java: Nowhere near as good as Smalltalk but miles ahead of the other popular systems of the time.

BeOS: Still the most elegant and responsive operating system with the best filesystem.

The NeXT Macintosh: Nowhere near as good as BeOS but miles ahead of the other popular systems of the time.

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